Welcome to the Friendship House. Look for the beams to see the year they were built. And if you add the numbers you will get 21. For many, a lucky number. The impressive age of the house is a certainty that it has gone through many epochs and styles, brought back to life now by the decor elements. The symbol "X" represents the sun rays and forms a sign that in romanian tradition symbolises "Friendship", because it suggests two people who stay on shoulders. Like a ray of sun that will enter the house in the morning, I have seen the thread that hangs th bulb above your bed. And if you're wondering what's with light groups, different shapes and colors is because friends are in bigger or smaller gangs, and each has its own personality, more or less colourful.
If you wish to visit the area by bike, please feel free to reserve them before your arrival. They will then be ready upon your arrival.
The cost for renting is 50 lei per day and 80 lei for 2 days.
For evening with friends around the pit fire, you will be able to choose your wine from a selection specially made for you from “ Le Manoir Comtesse du Barry“.
Personalul foarte atent la confortul oaspeților. Ne-au fost prezentate opțiuni de petrecere a timpului în zonă. Căsuța curată, amenajată cu bun gust. Biscuiții de 'bun venit' au fost foarte apreciați. Am apreciat mult deschiderea spre a accepta animale de companie, consider asta un mare plus! Locație curată, liniștită, frumos aranjată. Chiar ne-am simțit bine, ne-am relaxat și ne-am bucurat de natură. E un loc unde vom reveni cu siguranță!